Fluid-busting massage

For best results, carry out the massage with a blend of essential oils that are designed to fight fat and fluid retention. For example, take two drops of grapefruit oil, two drops of mandarin oil and one drop of black pepper oil and add them to 10ml of carrier oil (test this first, since black pepper can irritate sensitive skins). You can also boost fluid loss by trying steams of saunas. Aim for one a week.
Start on your legs, at the ankles, moving upwards and towards the knees. Work both the front and back of the body. Then move up the thighs, focusing upwards and towards the groin.

Now massage your torso. The area above your chest, the upper abdomen, should be massaged outwards and either up or down towards the armpits, depending on the area being treated. If someone is massaging your back, strokes on the upper back and shoulder blades should be toward the armpit; neck strokes toward the ears.
Work the lower abdomen. Anywhere under the area of your navel should be massaged toward the groin. If someone is massaging your back, strokes should go upwards.
Extending the plan
If you get to the end of the month of the plan and still have more weight to lose, there’s a good chance that it’s fat that you now need to reduce, not fluid. You can therefore reintroduce wheat and dairy products into your diet in small amounts. Switch from soya to skimmed milk in breakfast meals. Add cottage cheese or 50g (2oz) of reduced-fat hard cheeses to your protein choices (and choose these once or twice a week). Also add wholegrain breads and wholewheat pastas to your carbohydrates in the evening (and again choose these once or twice a week). The rest of the diet stays the same.

Living the detox life
If you’ve got to the end of the month and have lost all the weight you wanted to lose, that’s great; but you need to make sure you don’t put it back on again. Around 90 percent of people who lose weight do just that, so here are some tips:

Reduce your toxic load. It’ll also help to drink the Chelating Cocktail daily from now on.
Keep exercising. According to the National Weight Registry in the USA, which is the world’s biggest survey of people who have successfully lost weight, this is the key to keeping weight down. The average person, in their studies, burns 2,800 calories a week through exercise – that’s a walk of 5-6km (3-4 miles) each day. Make this your aim too.
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