Your Skin’s Needs
Antioxidants. These are the most vital way to protect your skin against free-radical attack. Studies at the University of Arizona, USA have found that eating at least six servings of red or yellow vegetables a day is actually the same as wearing sun-protection factor (SPF) 4 on your skin in its ability to protect you against sun damage. Aim for 6-10 servings of fresh fruit or vegetables a day for best results. This will also supply vitamin C, which helps build collagen and vitamin A, which encourages the growth of new skin cells.
Sulphur. This helps the body form new collagen. You’ll find it in eggs, onions and garlic. Aim for one serving a day.
Skin Doesn’t Need
Sugar. As well as being a major source of free radicals, sugar also attacks the skin. It attaches to proteins in collagen and this causes them to become stiff and inflexible, eventually leading to wrinkling.
Salty foods. These are high in iodine, which can encourage the skin to break out.
Your Hair’s Needs
Essential fatty acids (EFAs). Like skin, a lack of EFAs creates dry hair. Have at least one serving daily.
Vitamin H (biotin). Found in eggs, fish, milk, nuts and pulses, this nutrient actually helps hair (and nails) grow. Aim for one serving of biotin-rich foods a day.
Hair Doesn’t Need

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