Sunday, February 13, 2011

Stop Smoking Diet

All foods have the ability to create within us an acid or alkaline state, and this acid/alkaline balance is the key to this diet.
When doctors at Columbia University, USA measured the acidity or alkalinity of smokers’ bodies, they found that those with the highest acid balance also smoked the most. The reason for this is that acidity actually increases the speed at which nicotine leaves the body, making you crave another cigarette faster. An alkaline diet, however, slows the rate at which nicotine leaves the system, reducing cravings and making stopping easier. When researchers at the University of Nebraska Medical Centre in the USA tried the diet on smokers cutting down over five weeks, only one was smoking at the end of the trial – and they were only on two cigarettes a day. The others had all stopped.
What are Alkaline Foods?
All vegetables, particularly watercress, asparagus, alfalfa, courgettes, endive, carrots, potatoes (with the skin on), celery, spinach and swiss chard.
All fruits (except blueberries and cranberries) but especially melon, dates, mango, papaya, kiwi fruit, pineapple, raisins, apricots, avocado and apples.
A selection of other foods, namely tofu, soya milk and cheese, garlic, eggs, almonds, coconuts, natural yogurt, quinoa grain, herb teas and most herbs and spices.
All other foods (particularly meat, poultry, wheat products, rice and dairy products) are acid-forming. Therefore, while you’re on the diet, you should aim to eat substantially more of the alkaline foods in each meal than the acidic ones: ideally 70 percent of your plate should be alkaline foods, and only 30 percent acidic. However, as with all good rules there is an exception: oat-based foods. Technically an acidic food, oats have proven to be a powerful weapon against nicotine withdrawal. In research carried out in Ruchill Hospital in Glasgow, Scotland, smokers given extracts of oats for one month had fewer cravings when they gave up smoking than people on a placebo. It’s believed ingredients called alkaloids, which are in the oats, help calm the body and slow nicotine withdrawal. Because of this, plenty of oats are included in the diet, but you can also take oat supplements or a tincture every day. If you’re eating oats at a meal, aim for 50 percent oats and 50 percent alkaline food.
Stop Smoking Diet
Below, seven days’ worth of food are provided to give you some ideas of what you can eat for breakfast, lunch, evening meals and snacks. Mix and match to give yourself a varied diet.
Porridge made from oat flakes and soya milk. Top with raisins and serve with two pieces of fruit.
Fruit plate made from half a mango, a slice of watermelon, slices of pineapple and some dried apricots. Serve with rye bread.
Baked apple stuffed with raisins. Oatcakes or a small serving of porridge.
Oatcakes topped with mashed bananas and a handful of strawberries.
Fruit smoothie made from one banana, two handfuls of raspberries and one glass of orange juice. Serve with rye toast and slices of watermelon.
Poached egg with grilled tomatoes and mushrooms.
Oat flapjacks served with a selection of fresh fruit.
Jacket potato topped with lean protein (such as tuna, ham, cottage cheese, baked beans, chicken, prawns, tofu). Serve this with a large salad of watercress, tomato and red onion.
Carrot or pumpkin soup served with oatcakes topped with mild cheddar cheese and sliced tomato. Finish with two pieces of fruit.
Salad consisting of smoked chicken (or cottage cheese) and mango on a bed of lettuce, celery, avocado, cherry tomatoes and alfalfa.
Open sandwich made up of one slice of rye bread topped with lean protein (see above), sliced avocado, sliced tomato and alfalfa. Accompany with a cup of vegetable soup and finish with fruit.
Salad nicoise made from green beans, tomato, onion and lettuce. Finish this off by topping it with tuna and/or a boiled egg.
Crudites of carrot, cucumber, celery, cherry tomatoes and a little pitta bread served with hummus, salsa and guacamole dips. Follow this with a piece of fresh fruit.
Grilled beef burger or vegetarian burger served with potato salad (keep the potatoes in their skins) and coleslaw.
Evening meals
Vegetable stir-fry with chicken, a little soy sauce and ginger and as many bean sprouts, red peppers, baby corn, mangetout and water chestnuts as you like. Serve on brown rice.
Lean protein (such as grilled trout, roasted chicken breast, marinated tofu or baked salmon) served with new potatoes and salad of rocket, grilled red peppers and artichoke heart.
Vegetable curry accompanied by a side serving of dhal and spinach cooked with a little lemon and coriander.
Low-fat sausages (meat or vegetarian) with mashed potatoes (keep the skins on) and peas.
Grilled courgettes topped with grated cheese and tomato. Serve this with couscous and mixed grilled vegetables (made from red and yellow peppers, mushrooms and onions).
Vegetable kebabs served with brown rice. Add a few cubes of cooked chicken, monkfish, king prawns or feta to each kebab if you want to.
Grilled steak or portabella mushroom served with thick-cut chips (keep the skins on), asparagus spears and watercress and tomato salad.
A handful of almonds.
Fruit or vegetable juices or smoothies.
Crudites served with hummus.
Oatcakes topped with fruit.
The essential oil of lemon helps increase alkalinity levels in the body. Boost your diet by having a daily massage using 10ml of carrier oil with 5 drops of lemon, or try a lemon bath with 5-6 drops added.



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