Alleviating Side-Effects NaturallyWhen you stop smoking, various side-effects occur. Here’s advice on how to tackle them naturally.
Constipation: Nicotine is a bowel stimulant and without it your system can take up two weeks to regulate. Take two 5g doses of psyllium husks daily and drink plenty of water.
Coughs: This is just your body clearing out the leftover debris from your cigarettes and they will normally last only 1-5 days. Drinking plenty of fluids will help speed this up; fenugreek tea also helps thin the mucus, making it less uncomfortable. But don’t use this if you’re pregnant or trying to get pregnant.
Increased appetite: Sniffing essential oils of fennel (not to be used if you’re epileptic or pregnant) or juniper (also not suitable for pregnant women) helps decrease appetite. Chamomile tea has a similar effect, but don’t use this if you’re allergic to ragweed pollen.
Weight gain: Some studies have concluded that those who do successfully quit smoking may gain weight. "Weight gain is not likely to negate the health benefits of smoking cessation, but its cosmetic effects may interfere with attempts to quit." Therefore, drug companies researching smoking-cessation medication often measure the weight of the participants in the study. In 2009, it was found that smoking over expresses the gene AZGP1 which stimulates lipolysis, which is the possible reason why smoking cessation leads to weight gain. Ex-smokers have to overcome the fact that nicotine is an appetite suppressant. Also, heavy smokers burn 200 calories per day more than non-smokers eating the same diet.Insomnia: One of the best treatments for this is the herb valerian. Take a capsule before going to bed.
Depression: In the case of many adults, but more especially women, a major hurdle for quitting may emanate from clinical depression and challenge smoking cessation. Quitting smoking is especially difficult during certain phases of the reproductive cycle, phases that have also been associated with greater levels of dysphoria, and subgroups of women who have a high risk of continuing to smoke also have a high risk of developing depression. Since many women who are depressed may be less likely to seek formal cessation treatment, practitioners have a unique opportunity to persuade their patients to quit.
Smoking acts as an anti-depressant in up to 50 percent of smokers, but the herb St John’s wort can help. It does, however, interfere with some medications , so ask your doctor before taking it.
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