The Solution

Before you start, take a look at the section headed ‘Living the detox life’. Following the advice given there while you implement the program described below will help reduce toxic load on your body and enhance the effects of the plan.
Weight-loss diet
This is the main part of the Weight-loss Plan. Even the most devoted fitness experts admit that when you’re trying to lose weight 80 percent of the results come from a healthy diet.
Early morning
· - Take a multivitamin and mineral supplement plus 1g of vitamin C.
· - Take 2,000mg of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). In Swedish research, patients taking this healthy fat for 14 weeks lost 3.8 percent of their body fat, even when they didn’t change their diet.
· - Take 5g of psyllium
· - Wash these down with two glasses of water, and aim to drink at least eight more during the day.
· - Start with a glass of Antioxidant Cocktail.
Antioxidant Cocktail :
50g (2oz) prepared blueberries
50g (2oz) prepared strawberries
½ mango
250ml (8fl oz) orange juice
Put all the ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth.

- Bowl of bran cereal topped with soya milk and a handful of prunes.
- One cored apple filled raisins and baked in a preheated oven for 30 minutes at 220 degrees C /425 degrees F. Top this with soya yoghurt.
- Two slices of rye or pumpernickel toast spread with honey and one boiled egg.
- Two oatcakes topped with mashed banana and strawberries.
Mid-morning snack
· - Two pieces of fruit and a cup of dandelion tea. Dandelion helps the body excrete excess fluid without destroying other vital nutrients.
· - Half an hour before lunch, take another 1,000mg of CLA and 5g of psyllium and wash these down with at least two glasses of water.
· - Chelating foods are those that are able to bind to dangerous pollutants in the body, which helps to detox them from the body. Lunch focuses on high quantities of these foods in order to help reduce the levels of toxins in the body. Such chelating foods include alfalfa, apples, beetroot, bananas, brussels sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cereals, garlic, onions, seaweed, tofu and watercress.
· - Start with a glass of Chelating Cocktail.
2-3 carrots, peeled
1 beetroot
1 apple
Juice all the ingredients, then serve.
· - Now choose from one of the following vegetable bases, using as much of each vegetable as you like, except for avocado, which you should limit to half a fruit due to its high calorie content.
Spicy salad: alfalfa sprouts, tomato, red pepper, black olives, radish.
Pure power: watercress, cucumber, tomato, artichoke hearts and avocado.
Stir-fry sensation: in a tiny amount of oil that has sliced ginger in it, stir-fry the following vegetables – asparagus spears, bean sprouts, shredded green cabbage, mangetout and broccoli.
Good-for-you grill: grill mushrooms, thinly sliced aubergine, red onions, yellow peppers and courgettes until they soften. Then drizzle each base with any of the following:

Afternoon snack
· - Two more pieces of fruit.
Evening meal
· - Start with another 1,000mg of CLA, plus a glass of Chelating Cocktail or a bowl of Supercleanse Soup.
Supercleanse Soup:
1 small onion, finely chopped
1.5 litres (2 ½ pints) light chicken stock
2 small potatoes, diced
2 large handfuls of spinach
1 large bunch of watercress, stems removed
salt and pepper
Cook the onion in 2-3 tablespoons of chicken stock or water for one minute. Add the potatoes, seasoning and the rest of the stock/water. Bring to the boil and simmer until the potatoes are soft. Add the spinach and watercress and stir for three minutes. Remove from the heat and blend in a liquidizer.
This recipe will make enough soup for a couple of days so you can store it in the fridge and have some another day.

Before bed
· - Slice of rye or pumpernickel bread topped with half a banana or a teaspoonful of honey.
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