Every day you should carry out body-brushing as part of the anti-cellulite program.
Body-Brushing and Body Scrubs
Everyday an estimated 450g (1lb) of toxins leave the body in sweat carried out through the skin – but only if the pores, through which sweat travels, are clear. Everyday our skin cells regenerate; old ones die, and new ones are created, pushing the old cells away. However, as we age the process slows down. Skin cells die, but new ones to replace them don’t appear as rapidly. This means that the cells aren’t pushed off the surface, so it’s harder for them to shed, and they build up. Cosmetically this creates a dull appearance, but in terms of detox it can cause a blockage that reduces the amount of toxins excreted from the cells. Removing dead skin cells is therefore an important part of the detox process. There are two ways to do this:
Use body scrubs. In health spas, it’s common for a little damp sea salt to be used on dry skin (and not on wet skin as most people think). This is then rinsed off in a shower.

Retinol This is possibly the most important, since it has been clinically proven to improve skin tone.
Horse chestnut This has been used in research trials to strengthen weakened veins and boost circulation.
Gotu kola This helps build healthy collagen when taken as a supplement and may also work externally.
Caffeine This works as a diuretic, but may also trigger enzymes that switch on cells that cause fat to be released from cells.
Aminophylline This may also help promote fat-burning; it’s certainly been shown to shrink thighs.

Apply your chosen treatment to the affected areas in an upward motion. Don’t knead and press the skin in an attempt to squeeze down the cellulite. This can damage the skin further and also doesn’t aid the lymph flow or the circulation. When rubbing anything into your legs, always use long, gentle strokes. Also carry out a weekly lymph massage.

Fluid-Busting Massage
This massage should be carried out once a week. It aims to help the body eliminate fluid more effectively, stopping it from being reabsorbed into the tissues. It uses a very basic form of manual lymph drainage to do this, which means that instead of deep probing strokes you should use long, very gentle moves.
For best results, carry out the massage with a blend of essential oils that are designed to flight fat and fluid retention. For example, take two drops of grapefruit oil, two drops of mandarin oil and one drop of black pepper oil and add them to 10ml of carrier oil (test this first, since black pepper can irritate sensitive skins). You can also boost fluid loss by trying steams or saunas. Aim for one a week.
Start on your legs, at the ankles, moving upwards and towards the knees. Work both the front and back of the body. Then move up the thighs, focusing upwards and towards the groin.
Work around the arms, moving upwards from wrist to elbow. Now move past the elbow, massaging the upper arms towards the armpit.
Now massage your torso. The area above your chest, the upper abdomen, should be massaged outwards and either up or down towards the armpits, depending on the area being treated. If someone is massaging your back, strokes on the upper back and shoulder blades should be toward the armpit; neck strokes toward the ears.
Work the lower abdomen. Anywhere under the area of your navel should be massaged toward the groin. If someone is massaging your back, strokes should go upwards.
Living The DETOX Life
If you follow this program for six weeks, you should notice a distinct difference in the amount and severity of your cellulite. You can then continue the program further to see more benefits, or, if you’re happy, follow the advice given here – sadly, getting rid of your cellulite doesn’t mean it won’t come back if you don’t keep things up.
Continue to eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables a day, and take 1g of vitamin C and 400iu of vitamin E daily.
Get at least 30 minutes of activity daily. This could be formal exercise, or it could just be running up and down the stairs instead of taking the lift.

Use sunscreen whenever you go into the sun.
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