Noni grows in shady forests as well as on open rocky or sandy shores. It reaches maturity in about 18 months and then yields between 4–8 kilograms (8.8–18 lb) of fruit every month throughout the year. It is tolerant of saline soils, drought conditions, and secondary soils. It is therefore found in a wide variety of habitats: volcanic terrains, lava-strewn coasts, and clearings or limestone outcrops. It can grow up to 9 metres (30 ft) tall, and has large, simple, dark green, shiny and deeply veined leaves.

Despite its strong smell and bitter taste, the noni fruit became a staple food choice for people of Raratonga, Samoa and Fiji who ate the noni fruit raw or cooked. Australian Aborigines consume the fruit raw with salt or cook it with curry. The seeds are edible when roasted. Seeds, leaves, bark and root were also consumed by people familiar with the qualities of this unusual plant. Traditionally, every part of the Morinda Citrifolia plant is valued and used.

Nutrients and phytochemicals
Noni fruit powder is high in carbohydrates and dietary fiber. According to the College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources at the University of Hawaii at Mānoa, a 100 g sample of the powder contains 71% Carbohydrate and 36% Fiber. The sample also contained 5.2% Protein and 1.2% Fat. These macronutrients evidently reside in the fruit pulp, as noni juice has sparse amounts of macronutrients.
The main micronutrients of noni pulp powder include 9.8 mg of Vitamin C per 1200 mg sample, as well as 0.048 mg Niacin (vitamin B3), 0.02 mg Iron and 32.0 mg Potassium. Vitamin A, Calcium and Sodium are present in moderate amounts. When noni juice alone is analyzed and compared to pulp powder, only Vitamin C is retained at a high level, 33.6 mg per 100 g of juice.
Although the most significant nutrient feature of noni pulp powder or juice is its high vitamin C content, noni fruit juice provides only about half the vitamin C of a raw navel orange. Sodium levels in noni juice (about 3% of DRI) are high compared to an orange. Although the potassium content appears relatively high for noni, this total is only about 3% of the Recommended Dietary Allowance and so would not be considered excessive. Noni juice is otherwise similar in micronutrient content to a raw orange.

Possible medicinal properties
Noni has been evaluated unsuccessfully in preliminary clinical trials for possible use in treating cancer, although the US National Cancer Institute has undertaken further preliminary studies for potential preventive effects against breast cancer. Since 2007, there have been no other registered clinical trials on potential health benefits or anti-disease effects of noni which remains scientifically undefined for any effect on human health.
Traditional medicine

*Parts of the fruit are used as a tonic and to contain fever (China, Japan, Hawaii)
*The leaves, flowers, fruit, and bark can treat eye problems, skin wounds and abscesses, gum and throat problems, respiratory ailments, constipation, and fever (Pacific Islands, Hawaii)
*Used to treat stomach pains and after delivery (Marshall Islands)
*Heated leaves applied to the chest relieve coughs, nausea, and colic (Malaysia)
*Juice of the leaves is taken for arthritis (Philippines)
*Pounded, unripe fruit is mixed with salt and applied to cuts and broken bones
*Ripe fruit is used to draw out pus from an infected boil (Hawaii)
*Juices of over-ripe fruits are taken to regulate menstrual flow and ease urinary problems (Malaysia)
*The fruit can be used to make shampoo (Malaysia, Hawaii) and to treat head lice (Hawaii).
*Other exotic diseases treated with the plant include diabetes (widespread) and venereal diseases.
Consumer applications

There have been recent applications for the use of noni seed oil which contains linoleic acid possibly useful when applied topically to skin, e.g., anti-inflammation, acne reduction, moisture retention.
Source, Images: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noni
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